

Leslie Rosales advises different organizations and governments in the design, collection, and analysis of educational data from large-scale standardized tests. Her fifteen-year long experience includes advising governments in Guatemala and Africa, as well as educational institutions and testing organizations in the United States and Guatemala.

Leslie has served different international cooperation organizations, such as Unicef, the World Bank, and USAID, through various educational projects implemented by FHI360 and Juarez and Associates.

Leslie has also collaborated with JML Measurement and Testing Services as one of the senior psychometricians. Before joining JML- METS, she was part of the Juarez and Associates advisory team. As part of the J&A team, she led the reading assessment and growth model initiative from the USAID Lifelong Learning project, implemented by Juarez and Associates in Guatemala. In her early career years, she worked at the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Directorate of the Guatemalan Ministry of Education (DIGEDUCA). In both institutions, she has led and advised the development of national assessments for the early grades. In 2010, she oversaw and directed the adaptation of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) for Guatemala.

In 2013, she served as an intern at the National Center for Assessment Improvement in New Hampshire, where he explored the possibility of introducing a growth model into the Guatemalan accountability system. As a result, she has been implementing the notion of growth in Guatemala’s accountability system since 2014 as part of the USAID Lifelong Learning Project.

Leslie Rosales has a Ph.D. in Educational Research and Evaluation from Ohio University. Her doctoral thesis focused on standard-setting and growth modeling, which, along with her experience in Guatemala, led her to be a UNICEF advisor to the Mozambique government on the issue of standard-setting for national exams.

Leslie has been a professor at Guatemalan universities (URL, UVG and USAC) as well as a teacher assistant at Ohio University in statistics and research graduate-level courses.